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发布时间:2022-06-27 13:54:13
"《材料科技英语》是高分子材料与工程专业的专业主干课,是将高分子专业知识和英语结合的课程,是关于专业文献的阅读、翻译和科技英语的写作能力的课程。通过本课程的学习,可熟悉和掌握本专业常用的专业词汇、词组及其用法,还能进一步巩固专业知识的学习,同时培养了学生科技英语的翻译、写作能力。课程的学习将为学生查阅本专业英文文献、掌握国际上本专业发展动态打好语言基础。Materials science and technology Englishis a major class of polymer materials and engineering. It is based both on professional knowledge about polymer materials and English language. It focuses on how to read and comprehend professional literature and writing ability of academic paper by English. According to the learning of the course, the students not only can know and master commonly used professional vocabularies, phrases and their usage methods, but also can consolidate professional knowledge. The ability of translating and writing subject-based English will also be increased. The learning of the course is of great benefit for students to learn new science amp technology knowledge, to refer professional literatesin English and master international development trend of the professional knowledge."